When it comes to home improvement projects, few can match the impact and potential return on investment (ROI) that pool deck resurfacing offers. A pool deck is not just a functional space; it’s an integral part of your outdoor oasis, contributing to the aesthetics and functionality of your property. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricate details of calculating the ROI of pool deck resurfacing. By understanding the cost, the increased home value, and the timeline for recouping your investment, you’ll be equipped to make an informed decision that not only enhances your living experience but also adds value to your property.

The Cost of Pool Deck Resurfacing

Pool deck resurfacing is a transformative process that involves repairing, refinishing, and renewing the surface of your pool deck. The cost of this project can vary widely based on factors such as the material you choose, the size of your pool deck, and the extent of repairs needed. While the initial expense might seem daunting, it’s essential to view it as an investment rather than a mere expenditure.

The cost of materials, labor, and other associated expenses should be considered when calculating the total cost of pool deck resurfacing. However, it’s important to note that this upfront cost is only one side of the equation. The potential returns in terms of increased property value and extended longevity of your pool deck should also be factored in.

The Increase in the Value of Your Home

One of the most compelling aspects of pool deck resurfacing is its ability to significantly enhance the value of your home. A well-maintained and visually appealing pool deck can have a substantial positive impact on the overall market value of your property. Here’s how:

  1. Curb Appeal: The first impression matters, and a beautifully resurfaced pool deck immediately elevates the curb appeal of your home. Prospective buyers are more likely to be drawn to a property that offers an inviting outdoor space.
  2. Aesthetic Appeal: A worn-out or outdated pool deck can detract from the overall aesthetics of your property. Resurfacing not only fixes any visible issues but also allows you to choose modern and stylish designs that align with current trends.
  3. Functional Enhancement: Beyond aesthetics, a resurfaced pool deck might also include functional improvements such as slip-resistant surfaces and better drainage systems. These features enhance the safety and usability of the space, making it more attractive to potential buyers.
  4. Competitive Edge: In a competitive real estate market, having a standout feature like a well-maintained pool deck can give your property the competitive edge needed to attract buyers and potentially command a higher selling price.

Considering these factors, the increase in home value resulting from pool deck resurfacing can play a significant role in determining the overall ROI of the project.

The Amount of Time to Recoup Your Investment

Understanding the timeline for recouping your investment is a crucial aspect of calculating ROI. While the immediate costs of pool deck resurfacing can be significant, the long-term benefits can offset these expenses over time. Here’s how to estimate the time it takes to recoup your investment:

  1. Property Value Appreciation: Research the historical property value appreciation rates in your area. This will give you an idea of how much your property’s value might increase annually. Calculate the percentage increase in value that can be attributed to the resurfaced pool deck.
  2. Potential Rental Income: If you plan to rent out your property, a resurfaced pool deck can allow you to charge higher rental rates. Compare the potential rental income with and without the resurfacing to determine the additional income generated.
  3. Energy and Maintenance Savings: A well-maintained pool deck is likely to require fewer repairs and maintenance over time. Factor in the cost savings associated with reduced maintenance and potential energy savings.

By considering these factors and estimating the annual or monthly financial benefits, you can gauge how long it will take to recoup the initial investment in pool deck resurfacing.


  • Pool deck resurfacing is an investment that offers both immediate aesthetic improvements and long-term financial benefits.
  • The cost of pool deck resurfacing should be seen in the context of potential returns, including increased property value and extended deck longevity.
  • A visually appealing pool deck enhances curb appeal, aesthetic appeal, and functional appeal, making your property more attractive to potential buyers.
  • Research property value appreciation rates and potential rental income to estimate the time it will take to recoup your investment.
  • Energy and maintenance savings contribute to the overall ROI of pool deck resurfacing by reducing long-term expenses.